The step-by-step strategy for building wealth from scratch in the stock market.
Preface: Introduction to investing
Welcome and Congratulations on joining us. Together we are going to build your wealth in the stock market.
P1. Welcome! P.4. Introduction: $500 strategy action P3. How much should you start with? P6. Introduction: The $500 Strategy Checklist P2. Lesson: The Basics, get training & take control P.7. Course Materials P.5. Will I be successful? P. 8. Key TermsMonth 1: Buy your first ETF share
In this first month you will buy your first ETF share!
Month 1.3: Pay as little as possible Month 1.2. What is an ETF? Month 1.1. Discover the Market Month 1.4: $500 strategy action Month 1.5: Key Terms Month 1.7: The $500 Strategy ChecklistMonth 2: Buy your first Blue Chip
In this second month you will buy your first Blue Chip share!